April 2017 Horoscopes |
Much of April is having a closer look at Venus and Mercury. Venus is in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation.
The two fishes represent the physical body and the soul. Unlike birds that fly in symmetry, fishes often swim up stream. The meaning for Venus in Pisces is, unconditional love. How do we know when we are in love? The chemistry we feel physically is very real and not often clear. The look in someone's eyes is what contributes the love of the soul. Love can be giving someone time to vent. Just listening to the emotional chaos in another's words is love. The ability to synthesize what it is to love is the planet Mercury. He collects facts and tells stories. Like the fishes swimming in opposite directions, he often sends folks around the corner to get to the same spot. Contemplating Descartes, “I think, therefore, I am”, is paramount to acknowledging to be alive is to have an ego. Mercury’s strength is communicating ego. The trick is to relay the raw to the purpose, the Sun. Please read your rising sign |

Aries ruled by Mars
For most of April you are wrestling with Venus. The conflict of loving that is also a battleground.
The easiest way to deal with this is business. In business we can cover up all moral duality with brute force. Just realize sometimes, you might not have a straight flush. Technically, feelings are secondary In the world of making money. Tell that to Bernie Madoff or any real estate developer.
For most of April you are wrestling with Venus. The conflict of loving that is also a battleground.
The easiest way to deal with this is business. In business we can cover up all moral duality with brute force. Just realize sometimes, you might not have a straight flush. Technically, feelings are secondary In the world of making money. Tell that to Bernie Madoff or any real estate developer.

Taurus ruled by Venus
You do not really like to be center stage. But, this month you are. Most every aspect comes back to your ruler. Love rules silent and deep. Fun is more about movement and chicanery. You talk when you need to, but your preference is musical silence. Believe most of what others are saying about you. Their intentions are good. You induce a feeling of security and longevity.
You do not really like to be center stage. But, this month you are. Most every aspect comes back to your ruler. Love rules silent and deep. Fun is more about movement and chicanery. You talk when you need to, but your preference is musical silence. Believe most of what others are saying about you. Their intentions are good. You induce a feeling of security and longevity.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
People aren't hearing you. Not to worry, with the wings on your ankles you can, run, skip and dance through this overanxious time of everyone needing to start new projects. Partners have lead in their shoes. Your boss seemingly wants to do anything for you, but may not know how to go about it. With various traditions celebrating spring, Passover, Easter etc. you can hide eggs in hard to find places.
People aren't hearing you. Not to worry, with the wings on your ankles you can, run, skip and dance through this overanxious time of everyone needing to start new projects. Partners have lead in their shoes. Your boss seemingly wants to do anything for you, but may not know how to go about it. With various traditions celebrating spring, Passover, Easter etc. you can hide eggs in hard to find places.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
You are finding the solace you crave. Water is supporting your pathway to higher learning. The hardest part of being a mother is to let go. The more you do, the more much will come back to you. The physical home looks beautiful but may need a new structure. Old friends are dying to be reborn, save the ashes, they will reformulate.
You are finding the solace you crave. Water is supporting your pathway to higher learning. The hardest part of being a mother is to let go. The more you do, the more much will come back to you. The physical home looks beautiful but may need a new structure. Old friends are dying to be reborn, save the ashes, they will reformulate.

Leo ruled by the Sun
The fires are stimulating you but can be frustrating too. See your neighbors and take risks. By mid May your offbeat way of working should be catching up to the mainstream. You are able to write small effective essays that could push you into a whole new realm of income. Your sign rules children, so work at making them a way to keep all afloat.
The fires are stimulating you but can be frustrating too. See your neighbors and take risks. By mid May your offbeat way of working should be catching up to the mainstream. You are able to write small effective essays that could push you into a whole new realm of income. Your sign rules children, so work at making them a way to keep all afloat.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
The Mercury retrograde is mostly happening in your house of higher learning. Education and experiencing new perspectives usually are not totally new ideas. Revisit old books, photos, concepts that attracted you in the past. You will see, the love of something never truly dies. We may get new cells every 7 years but our chemistry rarely changes. Memories remind us, of how much we have been given. Even the ugly stuff.
The Mercury retrograde is mostly happening in your house of higher learning. Education and experiencing new perspectives usually are not totally new ideas. Revisit old books, photos, concepts that attracted you in the past. You will see, the love of something never truly dies. We may get new cells every 7 years but our chemistry rarely changes. Memories remind us, of how much we have been given. Even the ugly stuff.

Libra ruled by Venus
The scales represent diplomacy, a dying art. All this ego driven special interest stuff, leaves little room for your talent. Not to worry, like fashion, it all comes around. The news, like advertising, promotes the basest part of human nature. I recently watched a movie about patents. "Flash of Genius". The hero only cared about the acknowledgement of his invention. The money he won was truly secondary. Idealistic, true, but, you, Libra, remind us all of the concept of fairness.
The scales represent diplomacy, a dying art. All this ego driven special interest stuff, leaves little room for your talent. Not to worry, like fashion, it all comes around. The news, like advertising, promotes the basest part of human nature. I recently watched a movie about patents. "Flash of Genius". The hero only cared about the acknowledgement of his invention. The money he won was truly secondary. Idealistic, true, but, you, Libra, remind us all of the concept of fairness.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
Philosophy is not always your strong suit. Primal urge, totally illogical, unexplainable, is your go to reaction. With the overlay of Sagittarius thru Saturn to your Sun, you might feel like Eliza Doolittle, "words, words, words, am so sick of words!" Neptune is giving you safe haven, and soothing the need to be right with lovely confusion. Ways of mind altering can be useful.
Philosophy is not always your strong suit. Primal urge, totally illogical, unexplainable, is your go to reaction. With the overlay of Sagittarius thru Saturn to your Sun, you might feel like Eliza Doolittle, "words, words, words, am so sick of words!" Neptune is giving you safe haven, and soothing the need to be right with lovely confusion. Ways of mind altering can be useful.

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
It is fun to have Libra paying attention to your ruler. Gentle, beautiful and discreet philosophical conversations are indicated. Perhaps children are enjoying your company. They can create such magnificent chaos. Stay close to your special endearing home. Others only want to be asked.
It is fun to have Libra paying attention to your ruler. Gentle, beautiful and discreet philosophical conversations are indicated. Perhaps children are enjoying your company. They can create such magnificent chaos. Stay close to your special endearing home. Others only want to be asked.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
If your home is invaded by aliens, know they are just curious. You absolutely need to learn how to talk more and reach out to the unlikely ones. We seem to be headed to a science fiction life style. As an earth sign, you would prefer wood floors and solid front doors. The airways are invading in ways no one really understands. Remember we are all in it together. And never never stop questioning and disagreeing with the status quo.
If your home is invaded by aliens, know they are just curious. You absolutely need to learn how to talk more and reach out to the unlikely ones. We seem to be headed to a science fiction life style. As an earth sign, you would prefer wood floors and solid front doors. The airways are invading in ways no one really understands. Remember we are all in it together. And never never stop questioning and disagreeing with the status quo.

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
"We didn't start the fire". Billy Joel never said a truer word. As an air sign, fire fascinates you. Thru the burning and purging, the inventors minds grow with great leaps. You are always ahead of the curve. It can be lonely. The next big discovery is how to expand and harness water. As the water bearer, you already know how to contain it.
"We didn't start the fire". Billy Joel never said a truer word. As an air sign, fire fascinates you. Thru the burning and purging, the inventors minds grow with great leaps. You are always ahead of the curve. It can be lonely. The next big discovery is how to expand and harness water. As the water bearer, you already know how to contain it.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
Nepotism comes from the word nephew. Is it always a derogatory action? I think not. Most of us want to help our friends, family, neighbors. The idea of objectivity is anathema to Neptune. The sea finds its own levels. It comforts and frightens. As the old souls, you are aware of the fluidity between consciousnesses, paranoia like pain passes. You keep most of us in limbo, until we can remember that.
As Above
so Below
Be Well
Nepotism comes from the word nephew. Is it always a derogatory action? I think not. Most of us want to help our friends, family, neighbors. The idea of objectivity is anathema to Neptune. The sea finds its own levels. It comforts and frightens. As the old souls, you are aware of the fluidity between consciousnesses, paranoia like pain passes. You keep most of us in limbo, until we can remember that.
As Above
so Below
Be Well