If the mood does not lend itself to flowing, it is frustrating to try and force presumably new ideas. Of course we know that totally new ideas are rare. To be creative is probably more about stillness and no thought. Rapid movement can bring stillness, the same as seated meditation. The mind really doesn't have a pattern to be aware of. Accidents happen in slow motion but to an outsider it is sudden chaos.
The BBC series “The Code” comments on numbers, images and patterns of chaos. Marcus du Sautoy, the narrator speaks a lot of cause and effect. As a mathematician, he sees definition through it. Quantum mechanics attempts to alter the polarity of this thinking. Mood, by definition is extremist. The flow of our blood is altered by the contact we make with ideas. Soon robots will be observing this, through our phones, tv, and Internet. Not sure how I feel about this. Do I need to constantly know my blood pressure? May I not worry more about it? Is it a good idea to advertise pharmaceuticals?
When we stop and think, we know that others observe us, just as we do them. It is important to analyze and retain our observations. But the machine’s objectivity is novel and scary to contemplate. Theoretically and spiritually, we try to let go of control. We know peace of mind is effortless with no constraints. The purpose of machines, as I understand, is to exert control where they are channeled to do so. Will we feel hurt or hindered by that supposed objectivity? As the progress we are making makes for less and less practical physical effort, we creatively make machines to handle the mundane human chores. The scary progression of this is, will we become giant brains with atrophied bodies? But, no, we have the medieval torture chambers of the gym. Yes, slavery, for the most part has been eliminated, but, we now create a unique slavery in our own fashion.
Watch: The History of Robots in Ten Minutes
The future, like fashion, is difficult for many who have lived a long time, to imagine. Even if you are used to thinking outside the box, the box today is round. I see lack of proportion in art and discordance in music as unfathomable. If we have trouble relating to younger folks of our culture, how do we relate to different styles of eating, dressing and believing in foreign cultures?
As an earth sign, cell phones and dropped communication makes me crazy. Like so many things, it would seem, we just have to get used to it. But, like writing, the forced concentration is a way to get grounded. A text is rarely a complete thought.