Alexander Zick: Illustrated Cinderella with the Doves, inspired by Brothers Grimm
Movement is always attractive as we can let the body take over the rhythms we need to individuate. Matching another’s rhythm is a tantric exercise. Integrating to become one, is a huge part of our human longing.
Comic book characters and science fiction are our new heroes. As early traditions had animal symbols and miracles, reality has always needed the counter balance of fantasy. Do you enjoy romance novels and or sports? Things that help the mind step outside itself, without consuming something. Puzzles or gin rummy are good. Competition can be ok if you allow your partner the awareness to perceive your need to win.
Peacocks, lollipops, and rattles encourage succumbing to silliness and tranquility. Let the gifts of generosity and understanding be prevalent. Remind yourself as you do others. When the dark fairy arrives, let her have her rant and rave. Let go of cause and effect. Merging is the operative word. Music is a necessity.
The dramatic changes happening everywhere will play themselves out. The end of the rainbow, or light at the end of the tunnel always appear when we are not looking. Practice seeing the bouncing lights of fairies and alternative reality. Why not?
To explore further, check out these interesting links:
The History of Cinderella
Sleeping Beauty and the Fates of Mythology