Venus somehow connects to viral, virus, venal, value system, and venom. Venenuum was a love potion, are we being asked to love ourselves? If we don’t, does it become a poison? To venerate and revere encourages desire. The Sanskrit word Vanate is also connected to love and desire.
The first woman created by Zeus was Pandora, which means “all gifts”, as revenge on Prometheus who stole fire for humans. She opened the forbidden jar and spilled all manner of ills. Luckily “Hope” came last to mutate the disaster. This carries some of the “Sleeping Beauty” morality.
The word pandemic originates from Pandemos, pan means all, and demos means people. This is the dual nature of Venus/Aphrodite shared by Urania.
Venus/Aphrodite is retrograde and it is a 40 days and nights phenomena. It started May 13 and ends June 24.
With the retrograde happening in Gemini, this dual nature is enforced. The Taurus side of Venus mainly concerns the body and not the mind, soul, or spirit. The Urania side of Venus is born of man alone, the genitals of Uranus. And is more concerned with philosophy and religion, albeit a powerful sexuality.
Inficere is the word root of infection, meaning to dye or change color. It encompasses facere, which is the verb to do. If you liken action to the body and its performance, you have Pandemos. What we are missing is the Urania, or heavenly side of this Venusian transit. The ability to see truth; is in distress.
The other pandemic we still have is HIV/Aids. This too relates to Venus/Aphrodite as her son Eros/Cupid became the sometime symbol of homosexuality. The perception of a strict definition of one kind of sexual interest was not an ancient idea. Eros also wed Psyche, her name means soul, and had a child. She may have been the archetype for Cinderella. Her sisters in a competitive way pushed her to look upon her lovers face.
In both pandemics the blood and bodily fluids are the conduit of the contagion. Are we meant to be contemplating the sacredness of fluids?