We meet people and find out if we have others in common. Or we find the ones who share a philosophical, commercial, or spiritual connection. Most of our reactions relate to chemistry and communication. Isn’t it fun to know your new pal, Popsy has had similar experiences, so the invisible shared memories become a form of osmosis.
The algorithm of the various internet systems does try to point you in a certain direction. Often it is annoying to find that you’re being followed by some commercial invasion. But, there are also many life sustaining factors. However we come together in the reminders social media send us is seeing it in the right perspective.
We are all embroiled in the doing. The being is where we need to focus. Let the information highway flow through you. See the importance of smiling or talking to whomever comes your way.
When we realize how much we don’t know and how many people there are, it can be a heart stopping moment. It also means we are bringing in, an awareness of exposing our unconscious.
The ears help with balancing in every way. The difficulty of keeping the body centered and the joy of music, are part of the process.
How do you interpret society today? It has been noted that common interests provide format. We seem to be on a path to celebrate the individual, remember to encourage the similar reactions of the majority.
The telephone has become part of the antiquated. Short written texts are the norm, but give us little of the feelings that color the richness of living.
When we can see and hear is when we can truly realize the interconnected nature. Try and let time be the definition that allows for improving our relationships.
The interest in ancestry and genetics celebrate the six degrees of separation and Mickey Mouse’s Small World after all.