December 2020 Horoscopes |
Mary William Ethelbert Appleton "Billie" Burke as Glinda the Good Witch of the North
As Bette Davis said “fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride”
This is the astrology for December. The lunar eclipse on November 30 at 8 degrees of Gemini is sitting on the US ascendant. We are the most looked at place on earth. The truth, trauma, and nature of tantra, which means; weave together and stretch, is what we are meant to be/do.
Sagittarius concerns wisdom, and how to perceive the truth. Gemini is the translator, that reminds us of the ups and downs of polarity.
The poignancy of the playground, that we can only observe, is stifling. Try to define what it means to be happy. Let the Mars/Eres duo of your anger/depression, hide in the popsicle trees.
This is the astrology for December. The lunar eclipse on November 30 at 8 degrees of Gemini is sitting on the US ascendant. We are the most looked at place on earth. The truth, trauma, and nature of tantra, which means; weave together and stretch, is what we are meant to be/do.
Sagittarius concerns wisdom, and how to perceive the truth. Gemini is the translator, that reminds us of the ups and downs of polarity.
The poignancy of the playground, that we can only observe, is stifling. Try to define what it means to be happy. Let the Mars/Eres duo of your anger/depression, hide in the popsicle trees.

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Aries ruled by Mars
The raw energy you were born with is what you are facing. Remember it is fun to be self-righteous but also exhausting. Your sister Eres is egging you on. Siblings can be the most observant and trying. Every relationship is there to help you progress in your journey. Belief is observing “hope.”
The raw energy you were born with is what you are facing. Remember it is fun to be self-righteous but also exhausting. Your sister Eres is egging you on. Siblings can be the most observant and trying. Every relationship is there to help you progress in your journey. Belief is observing “hope.”

Taurus ruled by Venus
The earthquakes that won’t stop disrupting your body and home can be perceived as a roller coaster, if you like the thrill. Your partner is evading and avoiding. Their ability to confuse and distract must be regarded as a nursery rhyme. The owl in the pussycat is a good one to contemplate. Absurdity is your buddy temporarily.
The earthquakes that won’t stop disrupting your body and home can be perceived as a roller coaster, if you like the thrill. Your partner is evading and avoiding. Their ability to confuse and distract must be regarded as a nursery rhyme. The owl in the pussycat is a good one to contemplate. Absurdity is your buddy temporarily.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
As the communicator, you offer many choices. Unity is the desire, but you must examine the controversial points of views. Drama is fun, but rarely without exhaustion. Pace yourself. The north node in your sign makes you the band leader. Be aware of those around you, but realize you are center stage.
As the communicator, you offer many choices. Unity is the desire, but you must examine the controversial points of views. Drama is fun, but rarely without exhaustion. Pace yourself. The north node in your sign makes you the band leader. Be aware of those around you, but realize you are center stage.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
Let the big guns pontificate. You are at your best when nurturing and applauding. Expressing yourself softly is needed. Self-worth comes from hidden gems you will acquire. Allow your anger space to do the moon walk, it will be healing. The world of fantasy and illusion is a friend, if you allow it.
Let the big guns pontificate. You are at your best when nurturing and applauding. Expressing yourself softly is needed. Self-worth comes from hidden gems you will acquire. Allow your anger space to do the moon walk, it will be healing. The world of fantasy and illusion is a friend, if you allow it.

Leo ruled by the Sun
If you are asked to teach, please do so with the masks of comedy and tragedy. Your energy is waiting in the wings for you to ask for a date. The unconscious is of two minds, but you will strike a happy medium. Do you enjoy puzzles? Work your mind in concert with the mundane.
If you are asked to teach, please do so with the masks of comedy and tragedy. Your energy is waiting in the wings for you to ask for a date. The unconscious is of two minds, but you will strike a happy medium. Do you enjoy puzzles? Work your mind in concert with the mundane.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
Realize you are being asked difficult questions. But, this is your strong suit. Tend the home and hearth. Unusual subjects can be explored. Try and let the constant agitation be mellowed by seeing your reactions as metaphors. Do you literally see red when something is unjust? Pain can be subdued by the figure eight.
Realize you are being asked difficult questions. But, this is your strong suit. Tend the home and hearth. Unusual subjects can be explored. Try and let the constant agitation be mellowed by seeing your reactions as metaphors. Do you literally see red when something is unjust? Pain can be subdued by the figure eight.

Libra ruled by Venus
Allow others to heal you, but remember to thank them. Even fury can be helpful as the consummate diplomat. As we are in our castles these days, you will discover much about your space that is reassuring. See your neighbors as inside looking out. They notice more than you think.
Allow others to heal you, but remember to thank them. Even fury can be helpful as the consummate diplomat. As we are in our castles these days, you will discover much about your space that is reassuring. See your neighbors as inside looking out. They notice more than you think.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
Ask Disney why he called his dog that? Your normal powers of seduction are ramped up. Need to sell some special grand Venusian trinkets? The intangibles and the invisible are your assets. Leave associates to get help from others. Buy a hat to protect your powers. If you can remember your dreams, they will bring a spoonful of honey.
Ask Disney why he called his dog that? Your normal powers of seduction are ramped up. Need to sell some special grand Venusian trinkets? The intangibles and the invisible are your assets. Leave associates to get help from others. Buy a hat to protect your powers. If you can remember your dreams, they will bring a spoonful of honey.

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
Your ruler is heralding a new way of “as the world turns.” It may be a bit far out there, but the theories are spectacular. If you have always wanted to be the great debater, now is the time. Restrictions on making money will change quite soon. Innovation is your pal. Large animals from Great Danes to elephants make you happy.
Your ruler is heralding a new way of “as the world turns.” It may be a bit far out there, but the theories are spectacular. If you have always wanted to be the great debater, now is the time. Restrictions on making money will change quite soon. Innovation is your pal. Large animals from Great Danes to elephants make you happy.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
Your daddy is moving on too. The strict confines of everything will still have structure but of a more innovative type of process. Air is how we live, not just a symbol of the mind. Contain your frustrations and brand new thoughts will come to you.
Your daddy is moving on too. The strict confines of everything will still have structure but of a more innovative type of process. Air is how we live, not just a symbol of the mind. Contain your frustrations and brand new thoughts will come to you.

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
There is help on the way for all your bright ideas. As a loner, you must let the big guns lead your already lonesome path into a popular place. Find games to play with neighbors. Illusion is not usually your favorite ,but absurdity can take its place for laughs.
There is help on the way for all your bright ideas. As a loner, you must let the big guns lead your already lonesome path into a popular place. Find games to play with neighbors. Illusion is not usually your favorite ,but absurdity can take its place for laughs.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
If you can be a tiny bit practical, you will have all the assets you need. Making people laugh, you do well. Philosophize with abandon, many will hear and be inspired. Transitions are a strength, enjoy.
If you can be a tiny bit practical, you will have all the assets you need. Making people laugh, you do well. Philosophize with abandon, many will hear and be inspired. Transitions are a strength, enjoy.
As above
So below
Be well
So below
Be well