December 2023 Horoscopes |
Bubo the Owl Clash of the Titans drawing (by billyboyuk)
War and Peace, a title that is endlessly repeating itself. Mars and Venus, the personals that represent this dilemma.
The God of War and Goddess of peace. The attraction of osmosis and empathy are forever dancing in harmony and disharmony. As Mercury is observing rather than engaging, we may have time to catch our breath. The Pluto in Leo generation is experiencing Pluto in Aquarius, it’s polar opposite. The necessity of belief in free will, reached a crescendo with Pluto in Leo. A belief in fate may be on the horizon.
The winter solstice is the primary event, as the darkness gives way to the light. Our earth is rejuvenating as we are celebrating. To feel the joy of possibilities is our primary purpose.
Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces. The structured rigidity of Saturn and the boundary less character of Neptune. As they represent earth and water there is a communication. The feminine instinctual and fated are in evidence. There can be much giving of solace, be aware of the moral perspectives.
The God of War and Goddess of peace. The attraction of osmosis and empathy are forever dancing in harmony and disharmony. As Mercury is observing rather than engaging, we may have time to catch our breath. The Pluto in Leo generation is experiencing Pluto in Aquarius, it’s polar opposite. The necessity of belief in free will, reached a crescendo with Pluto in Leo. A belief in fate may be on the horizon.
The winter solstice is the primary event, as the darkness gives way to the light. Our earth is rejuvenating as we are celebrating. To feel the joy of possibilities is our primary purpose.
Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces. The structured rigidity of Saturn and the boundary less character of Neptune. As they represent earth and water there is a communication. The feminine instinctual and fated are in evidence. There can be much giving of solace, be aware of the moral perspectives.

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Aries ruled by Mars
Philosophy is winning over action. You may be called on to arbitrate. Your creativity is noticed. The love you see is enjoying the playfulness of beauty. Masks and faces morph into insights of those you are involved with. What does it mean to break a blade? Know your healing abilities are up front.
Philosophy is winning over action. You may be called on to arbitrate. Your creativity is noticed. The love you see is enjoying the playfulness of beauty. Masks and faces morph into insights of those you are involved with. What does it mean to break a blade? Know your healing abilities are up front.

Taurus ruled by Venus
The raunchy affection you sometimes seek is proving elusive. Watching the roses bloom is more the activity. Slow and steady. The eyes are misty as the sharpness of pointed thorns are reminding you of the erratic, if you don’t observe rather than pounce. Your luck comes through a new belief in yourself.
The raunchy affection you sometimes seek is proving elusive. Watching the roses bloom is more the activity. Slow and steady. The eyes are misty as the sharpness of pointed thorns are reminding you of the erratic, if you don’t observe rather than pounce. Your luck comes through a new belief in yourself.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
Those around you are demanding an expertise which is not readily available. Most experts are creative interpreters. We strive too hard for protection and then are let down with the impossibilities. If the chemistry is working, any attempts to complete your projects will run smoothly.
Those around you are demanding an expertise which is not readily available. Most experts are creative interpreters. We strive too hard for protection and then are let down with the impossibilities. If the chemistry is working, any attempts to complete your projects will run smoothly.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
There will be much to do for your favorite people. To be of service with love is offered. Join in community activities and remember how much you have to give. You are the perspective of unconditional love. Any electrical jolts with be short lived and manageable.
There will be much to do for your favorite people. To be of service with love is offered. Join in community activities and remember how much you have to give. You are the perspective of unconditional love. Any electrical jolts with be short lived and manageable.

Leo ruled by the Sun
We are entering a brave new cycle with Pluto in Aquarius the next 20 years. The unimaginable creative helpmeets we will have! Yes, we will need to adapt to a totally new way to communicate. You will still be needed center stage and must stimulate others creativity, as you do your own.
We are entering a brave new cycle with Pluto in Aquarius the next 20 years. The unimaginable creative helpmeets we will have! Yes, we will need to adapt to a totally new way to communicate. You will still be needed center stage and must stimulate others creativity, as you do your own.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
Seek the naive as it will lessen the pressure of the nerves. Listen to the rhythms of children. It may be syncopated but there is a pattern. Irritable digestion is a case of not remembering trying to mask emotional symptoms. Food interactions are always connecting to intention. Lose the minutiae and concentrate on overviews.
Seek the naive as it will lessen the pressure of the nerves. Listen to the rhythms of children. It may be syncopated but there is a pattern. Irritable digestion is a case of not remembering trying to mask emotional symptoms. Food interactions are always connecting to intention. Lose the minutiae and concentrate on overviews.

Libra ruled by Venus
Your home will be filled with secrets that are self-fulfilling. Separate, and to keep apart are the delicious delight of secrets. If we don’t have questions to ask, communication breaks down. As the arbitrator and diplomat, you must keep the airways moving. Complete satisfaction is unlikely but insight is for sure.
Your home will be filled with secrets that are self-fulfilling. Separate, and to keep apart are the delicious delight of secrets. If we don’t have questions to ask, communication breaks down. As the arbitrator and diplomat, you must keep the airways moving. Complete satisfaction is unlikely but insight is for sure.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
Hopefully you have learned a lot about the annihilation of the previous order and structure. You will now have to keep interpreting and implementing a new way of seeing in between the lines. Rely on old wounds to help you bounce into the ether. Air is both windy and maddeningly calm. Your instincts are always greater than your sight.
Hopefully you have learned a lot about the annihilation of the previous order and structure. You will now have to keep interpreting and implementing a new way of seeing in between the lines. Rely on old wounds to help you bounce into the ether. Air is both windy and maddeningly calm. Your instincts are always greater than your sight.

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
Enjoy the sun shining on you and your enthusiasm. As fire is your element, take time to stare at a candle. You prefer movement but just feeling and wiggling fingers and toes, is so important. The structure where you live is making mutinous affectations. You can clearly see big picture. Sometimes hard to hold on to.
Enjoy the sun shining on you and your enthusiasm. As fire is your element, take time to stare at a candle. You prefer movement but just feeling and wiggling fingers and toes, is so important. The structure where you live is making mutinous affectations. You can clearly see big picture. Sometimes hard to hold on to.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
There may be incoherent rumblings, but these are consistently replaced with comforting feelings. You are ready for the chaos. Having Pluto sitting on your Sun for 20 years , it’s time for innovation. Your disciplined intelligence is direly needed. Be kind to neighbors.
There may be incoherent rumblings, but these are consistently replaced with comforting feelings. You are ready for the chaos. Having Pluto sitting on your Sun for 20 years , it’s time for innovation. Your disciplined intelligence is direly needed. Be kind to neighbors.

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
Your ability to see and move with agility is such a gift. The fixity is sometimes hard to align with super intelligence. The water you move is the emotion you acknowledge. For the foreseeable future there is the juggling of mind and heart. Making money thru catering to the emotional needs is highlighted, as is creating comfort in the home.
Your ability to see and move with agility is such a gift. The fixity is sometimes hard to align with super intelligence. The water you move is the emotion you acknowledge. For the foreseeable future there is the juggling of mind and heart. Making money thru catering to the emotional needs is highlighted, as is creating comfort in the home.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
Make sure your electricity is grounded. Enjoy and provide family and neighbors with indulgences. Repeating kind words will increase your self-worth. A new career make be available if you want it. Use any rules or structures offered to stabilize. Embrace fate and strive for free will.
Make sure your electricity is grounded. Enjoy and provide family and neighbors with indulgences. Repeating kind words will increase your self-worth. A new career make be available if you want it. Use any rules or structures offered to stabilize. Embrace fate and strive for free will.
As above
So below
Be well
So below
Be well