January 2021 Horoscopes |
The Flash
Create yourself
Everything else has been done
We create as we communicate
The new structure we are dealing with is Aquarius in nature. The water bearer is an air sign. Corresponds to Spades in playing cards and Swords in the Tarot.
The cup bearer is the spreading of ideas. The pouring of liquid creates new moving waters. Streams that appear where needed. Blood that needs to circulate.
Ganymede was Jupiter’s love interest. Juno was jealous. There is a correlation to the Indian God Khumba, who controls storms.
Radical social progress is the Aquarian ideal. Sudden lightning like change is what the Butler to the Gods brings.
Following the prolonged influence of Capricorn we are shifting from earth, being grounded and focus on material practically to air. Air is insight and objectivity, with emphasis on equality. But, how to define equality?
Everything else has been done
We create as we communicate
The new structure we are dealing with is Aquarius in nature. The water bearer is an air sign. Corresponds to Spades in playing cards and Swords in the Tarot.
The cup bearer is the spreading of ideas. The pouring of liquid creates new moving waters. Streams that appear where needed. Blood that needs to circulate.
Ganymede was Jupiter’s love interest. Juno was jealous. There is a correlation to the Indian God Khumba, who controls storms.
Radical social progress is the Aquarian ideal. Sudden lightning like change is what the Butler to the Gods brings.
Following the prolonged influence of Capricorn we are shifting from earth, being grounded and focus on material practically to air. Air is insight and objectivity, with emphasis on equality. But, how to define equality?

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Aries ruled by Mars
Boundaries are what you must concentrate on. Handling change is always better when you initiate it, but the changes now are coming from beyond your imagining. You can integrate your special skills with new and creative folks. Think that it is your idea, even if it isn’t.
Boundaries are what you must concentrate on. Handling change is always better when you initiate it, but the changes now are coming from beyond your imagining. You can integrate your special skills with new and creative folks. Think that it is your idea, even if it isn’t.

Taurus ruled by Venus
The quite contained beauty that surrounds you is what you must rely on. Comfort will come and go, but will not disappear. You initiate more than you used to. Stability is precarious but hiding in plain sight. Research the unknown, travel in your mind. See containment as temporary. Time is on your side.
The quite contained beauty that surrounds you is what you must rely on. Comfort will come and go, but will not disappear. You initiate more than you used to. Stability is precarious but hiding in plain sight. Research the unknown, travel in your mind. See containment as temporary. Time is on your side.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
Flutter everywhere, there is so much to experience. You do not need to physically transport yourself. Stay away from immovable objects. Also those with very fixed ideas. Crying is therapeutic. Psyche, the butterfly, is your friend in visiting those in an ephemeral world. Summon your creativity to stave off loneliness.
Flutter everywhere, there is so much to experience. You do not need to physically transport yourself. Stay away from immovable objects. Also those with very fixed ideas. Crying is therapeutic. Psyche, the butterfly, is your friend in visiting those in an ephemeral world. Summon your creativity to stave off loneliness.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
Bottled water has made a Chinese business man, the wealthiest guy in Asia. Are there water purifiers that do not rely on chemicals? As the Mother of water, these are what you maybe feel emotional about. To utilize containment is your goal. Communicating with the dead is a gift you have. Trust it. You heal through nurturing.
Bottled water has made a Chinese business man, the wealthiest guy in Asia. Are there water purifiers that do not rely on chemicals? As the Mother of water, these are what you maybe feel emotional about. To utilize containment is your goal. Communicating with the dead is a gift you have. Trust it. You heal through nurturing.

Leo ruled by the Sun
The influences of your opposite Aquarius is helping you realize your purpose. To Individuate is the way we become clarifying and calm. The ego is necessary to do this. To attempt to help the collective without this is delusional. The greatest gift you give someone is to listen. It doesn’t matter if you understand or agree. You are a witness.
The influences of your opposite Aquarius is helping you realize your purpose. To Individuate is the way we become clarifying and calm. The ego is necessary to do this. To attempt to help the collective without this is delusional. The greatest gift you give someone is to listen. It doesn’t matter if you understand or agree. You are a witness.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
As you look down on humanity, try not to be disappointed. The cycles of history repeat with greater and larger circles. There are a few to feel connected to. There is comfort in the things that don’t change and understanding about the stuff that does. There will be new beginnings in the world of healing. For an earth sign ruled by an air planet, you must keep up with the power of the mind.
As you look down on humanity, try not to be disappointed. The cycles of history repeat with greater and larger circles. There are a few to feel connected to. There is comfort in the things that don’t change and understanding about the stuff that does. There will be new beginnings in the world of healing. For an earth sign ruled by an air planet, you must keep up with the power of the mind.

Libra ruled by Venus
You’re going from delicious wise contemplation to down to earth practicality. They both have redeeming qualities. Love is the greatest gift we have to share and sometimes a display of tangible objects are heartwarming. Your home is your palace of pleasure. Playfulness and childlike activities are necessary. There is a veil between the worlds of your physicality’s. Definitive issues will be addressed.
You’re going from delicious wise contemplation to down to earth practicality. They both have redeeming qualities. Love is the greatest gift we have to share and sometimes a display of tangible objects are heartwarming. Your home is your palace of pleasure. Playfulness and childlike activities are necessary. There is a veil between the worlds of your physicality’s. Definitive issues will be addressed.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
The structure of the underworld is familiar. You know you can be irrational and inspirational. Energy is being displayed by others to promote change. With age this is less handy. Stay young in your mind. Your neighbors and your home are preoccupying. Like everything else, this will change. Time is on your side.
The structure of the underworld is familiar. You know you can be irrational and inspirational. Energy is being displayed by others to promote change. With age this is less handy. Stay young in your mind. Your neighbors and your home are preoccupying. Like everything else, this will change. Time is on your side.

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
Your ruler is chasing Ganymede and joyful in the process. The way of doing business is changing at electrifying speed. You can keep up. Your physical body needs the blood circulating with alacrity. But calm must be maintained with focus. Opening your throat and singing may feel splendid. Even if only in the shower.
Your ruler is chasing Ganymede and joyful in the process. The way of doing business is changing at electrifying speed. You can keep up. Your physical body needs the blood circulating with alacrity. But calm must be maintained with focus. Opening your throat and singing may feel splendid. Even if only in the shower.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
Oxford in the UK is a good place for you to visit, even virtually. Capri is also a good getaway. All those steps, are fun for a goat. To be a good professor, you must be a good student. Research and interpretation are strengths you can develop. The subjects will change, but find the resonating features. The more you can learn, the more business you will accomplish.
Oxford in the UK is a good place for you to visit, even virtually. Capri is also a good getaway. All those steps, are fun for a goat. To be a good professor, you must be a good student. Research and interpretation are strengths you can develop. The subjects will change, but find the resonating features. The more you can learn, the more business you will accomplish.

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
Your home may not feel like your castle at the moment. The bricks and mortar are a trifle confining. As you are the best at virtual reality, that will have to do. Large institutions may ask for your advice in a myriad of ways, be Leary of emotional outbursts. The rebels are in favor but the collective is confused. Crystal clear is your hope, but, what is clarity to some is murky to others.
Your home may not feel like your castle at the moment. The bricks and mortar are a trifle confining. As you are the best at virtual reality, that will have to do. Large institutions may ask for your advice in a myriad of ways, be Leary of emotional outbursts. The rebels are in favor but the collective is confused. Crystal clear is your hope, but, what is clarity to some is murky to others.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
There is comfort having your ruler in your sign. The absurd is your domaine. Normal is as elusive as freedom. You can heal yourself and others in doing, performing or exercising. Groups of chiefs are asking for your advice. Your need to be the King is not a priority. Innovative integration with the collective is something you know how to do. Do not ignore.
There is comfort having your ruler in your sign. The absurd is your domaine. Normal is as elusive as freedom. You can heal yourself and others in doing, performing or exercising. Groups of chiefs are asking for your advice. Your need to be the King is not a priority. Innovative integration with the collective is something you know how to do. Do not ignore.
As above
So below
Be well
So below
Be well