July 2022 Horoscopes |
Here we are in the time of the Moon. Softer, reflective light is the essence of mutability and change. July, the sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon.
The past new moon at 7 degrees of Cancer made many aspects. The number 7 is about finding faith. We also have, for this two week period, the influence of Jupiter at 7 Aries and Venus at 7 Gemini. Initiating is what Jupiter is doing and it feels lucky. As he is the philosopher, finding faith is part of his domain. Venus is offering diversity and new beginnings.
The best direction is towards the security you seek. Any helpful loving thoughts are bringing in the grounding you crave.
The past new moon at 7 degrees of Cancer made many aspects. The number 7 is about finding faith. We also have, for this two week period, the influence of Jupiter at 7 Aries and Venus at 7 Gemini. Initiating is what Jupiter is doing and it feels lucky. As he is the philosopher, finding faith is part of his domain. Venus is offering diversity and new beginnings.
The best direction is towards the security you seek. Any helpful loving thoughts are bringing in the grounding you crave.

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Aries ruled by Mars
Full steam ahead, with the caveat of hearing the needs of others. Enjoy healing yourself and those who need some. Let ornery women be surrounded by pillow gates. Any profits are in the sensory realm. Keep the slippery illusions at bay. The concrete supports you.
Full steam ahead, with the caveat of hearing the needs of others. Enjoy healing yourself and those who need some. Let ornery women be surrounded by pillow gates. Any profits are in the sensory realm. Keep the slippery illusions at bay. The concrete supports you.

Taurus ruled by Venus
Your energy may seem excessive and a bit eclectic. You are where you’re meant to be. You can see things you’ve never noticed before. The pendulum swings into greater insight. There may be a few too many possibilities, but you have the energy.
Your energy may seem excessive and a bit eclectic. You are where you’re meant to be. You can see things you’ve never noticed before. The pendulum swings into greater insight. There may be a few too many possibilities, but you have the energy.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
Take time to go to the spa. Try new groups you’ve never been around. The clarity you need will come through those you work with. Equal partners are not competing. Real estate and mothering are demanding your time. There may be some fuzziness in the direction of your business.
Take time to go to the spa. Try new groups you’ve never been around. The clarity you need will come through those you work with. Equal partners are not competing. Real estate and mothering are demanding your time. There may be some fuzziness in the direction of your business.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
At the full moon, July 13, you may be given insider information or the ability to see into a different reality. As a sideways slow moving sort, some may want a quicker pace. The rhythm you resonate to, is the right one. Take the time to daydream…
At the full moon, July 13, you may be given insider information or the ability to see into a different reality. As a sideways slow moving sort, some may want a quicker pace. The rhythm you resonate to, is the right one. Take the time to daydream…

Leo ruled by the Sun
Always dark before the light. Otherwise we wouldn’t search for light. The stubborn sorts are trying to get you to conform. Dream or go to faraway places, Venus is encouraging you to twinkle. Be the healer you know you are. Or maybe some gorgeous cowboy is looking out for you.
Always dark before the light. Otherwise we wouldn’t search for light. The stubborn sorts are trying to get you to conform. Dream or go to faraway places, Venus is encouraging you to twinkle. Be the healer you know you are. Or maybe some gorgeous cowboy is looking out for you.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
Keep your analytical nature in the background to having fun. Change is always with us and remember to let it unfold. As the caterpillar does for the butterfly. Be around the home and feel the security there is there. Don’t Worry about elusive changes that never appear where you thought. Recite the “the owl and the pussycat”.
Keep your analytical nature in the background to having fun. Change is always with us and remember to let it unfold. As the caterpillar does for the butterfly. Be around the home and feel the security there is there. Don’t Worry about elusive changes that never appear where you thought. Recite the “the owl and the pussycat”.

Libra ruled by Venus
Those in your immediate vicinity are gung ho. Try and keep up! The youthful spirit is in your court. Novelty is highlighted. Opportunities in your career. Allow the momentum to flow. Being around water and the involuntary habits that come from memories, keep you lighthearted.
Those in your immediate vicinity are gung ho. Try and keep up! The youthful spirit is in your court. Novelty is highlighted. Opportunities in your career. Allow the momentum to flow. Being around water and the involuntary habits that come from memories, keep you lighthearted.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
The endless creativity can be exposing but tiring. Study something intriguing. Have new people over for tea. No one gets the irrational better than you. Find a new service to perform. Offspring may prove unruly. But they are forever entertaining. Trust is big one for you. If someone offers the unexpected, grab it!
The endless creativity can be exposing but tiring. Study something intriguing. Have new people over for tea. No one gets the irrational better than you. Find a new service to perform. Offspring may prove unruly. But they are forever entertaining. Trust is big one for you. If someone offers the unexpected, grab it!

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
Any new concept or philosophy is ripe for peeling, to taste the juicy essence. With Venus in your house of partnerships, take a chance. It may not last, but it will be good. Take care of your throat and reevaluate how you communicate. There is value in things you were not aware of. Find inspiration in your home.
Any new concept or philosophy is ripe for peeling, to taste the juicy essence. With Venus in your house of partnerships, take a chance. It may not last, but it will be good. Take care of your throat and reevaluate how you communicate. There is value in things you were not aware of. Find inspiration in your home.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
Do you have nimble knees? The structures you support need TLC. Partnerships may seem confusing, but you have more determination than most. Any businesses you are working on require innovative equality. Let those around you discover their strengths. You already know the outcome.
Do you have nimble knees? The structures you support need TLC. Partnerships may seem confusing, but you have more determination than most. Any businesses you are working on require innovative equality. Let those around you discover their strengths. You already know the outcome.

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
Find a new sense of style. The fashion and habits of the moment seem a bit stale. Nurturing service is highlighted. What others need is not always obvious. Believe you will connect through the ether. Have neighbors and siblings come round for pickle ball. There may be a new love interest. Just enjoy the moment.
Find a new sense of style. The fashion and habits of the moment seem a bit stale. Nurturing service is highlighted. What others need is not always obvious. Believe you will connect through the ether. Have neighbors and siblings come round for pickle ball. There may be a new love interest. Just enjoy the moment.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
People adore you if you let them. What is your most youthful trait? Do you like to make popcorn with a magic hat on? Discover new games and irrational silliness. If you are decorating be sure and choose pairs. Symmetry is just a universal desire. Be with those who love to cook.
People adore you if you let them. What is your most youthful trait? Do you like to make popcorn with a magic hat on? Discover new games and irrational silliness. If you are decorating be sure and choose pairs. Symmetry is just a universal desire. Be with those who love to cook.
As above
So below
Be well
So below
Be well