June 2023 Horoscopes |
Dulcedeleche (2006-2023)
Dulcedeleche is the sweetness of milk. My best friend left me today. She was a Papillon born July 21, 2006. in almost 17 years we only spent a week apart.
In this time of Gemini we are stirring the pot to embrace the nature of motherhood which is coming. Duality is something hard to have a concrete understanding of. Certain philosophies see it as journey to become one.
Experience tells us to try and see both sides of view. Reality vs illusion. The basic human functions, eating, defecating, breathing, moving, all have to do with physical habits. They are real and not open to interpretation but, illusion, is how we create just about everything else.
And our imagination is the numinous part of us.
In this time of Gemini we are stirring the pot to embrace the nature of motherhood which is coming. Duality is something hard to have a concrete understanding of. Certain philosophies see it as journey to become one.
Experience tells us to try and see both sides of view. Reality vs illusion. The basic human functions, eating, defecating, breathing, moving, all have to do with physical habits. They are real and not open to interpretation but, illusion, is how we create just about everything else.
And our imagination is the numinous part of us.

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Aries ruled by Mars
The theatre and children are front and center in your reality. The glory of sunlight is your goal. To see the invisible and bring it to clarity. Those you love may be competing for the spotlight. The value of everything is examined. Energy is high to take on the masks of drama, tragedy and comedy.
The theatre and children are front and center in your reality. The glory of sunlight is your goal. To see the invisible and bring it to clarity. Those you love may be competing for the spotlight. The value of everything is examined. Energy is high to take on the masks of drama, tragedy and comedy.

Taurus ruled by Venus
Your need to feel secure is being ruffled by temptation. Not necessarily bad. The enhanced beauty surrounding you is comforting. If a single breath can switch polarities then you can be what you need to be. Spinning may not be your thing. The waltz or the tango are more your style. Large groups favor a rigid structure.
Your need to feel secure is being ruffled by temptation. Not necessarily bad. The enhanced beauty surrounding you is comforting. If a single breath can switch polarities then you can be what you need to be. Spinning may not be your thing. The waltz or the tango are more your style. Large groups favor a rigid structure.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
Mid-month you breathe easier. Fixating on things is not your forte. Less intimate friendships and mutual feelings of distant relatives are reinterpreting how you enjoy communicating. Hearing in an altered state provides solace and appreciation of self. Sound waves bring wisdom and health.
Mid-month you breathe easier. Fixating on things is not your forte. Less intimate friendships and mutual feelings of distant relatives are reinterpreting how you enjoy communicating. Hearing in an altered state provides solace and appreciation of self. Sound waves bring wisdom and health.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
The philosophy of health may be what you’re contemplating. It is governed by a myriad of stuff. Do you like yogurt or whiskey with milk? What prompts us to put certain things in our mouth? How others see us and our own self-worth is a habit most of us have. But, is eating meat or sugar that much worse than miso soup and kale?
The philosophy of health may be what you’re contemplating. It is governed by a myriad of stuff. Do you like yogurt or whiskey with milk? What prompts us to put certain things in our mouth? How others see us and our own self-worth is a habit most of us have. But, is eating meat or sugar that much worse than miso soup and kale?

Leo ruled by the Sun
Embrace the groups that are soliciting you. Make a decision knowing the effort to do so is healthy and purposeful. Even if mutates you have had the moment of perfection. Your career and direction are well lit and confident. Understanding or knowing are there for the taking. Be aware that cycles bring comfort.
Embrace the groups that are soliciting you. Make a decision knowing the effort to do so is healthy and purposeful. Even if mutates you have had the moment of perfection. Your career and direction are well lit and confident. Understanding or knowing are there for the taking. Be aware that cycles bring comfort.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
Partnerships are poignant. “That sinking feeling” is an indication that the swing will soar again. Any learning is indicated. A new course or zeroing in on a new perception is demanding your attention. Juggling is a skill that diverts the brain from obsession. Of course, it is not eliminated. Dressing up your home is playful.
Partnerships are poignant. “That sinking feeling” is an indication that the swing will soar again. Any learning is indicated. A new course or zeroing in on a new perception is demanding your attention. Juggling is a skill that diverts the brain from obsession. Of course, it is not eliminated. Dressing up your home is playful.

Libra ruled by Venus
You are the sunshine to many. Diplomacy and cheerfulness are your calling cards. Celebrate the solstice with some buddies. The energy of light maybe be starting to recede but there is much to learn in the shadows. Dealing with money and those that have a greater sense of it is highlighted. Create a party with purpose.
You are the sunshine to many. Diplomacy and cheerfulness are your calling cards. Celebrate the solstice with some buddies. The energy of light maybe be starting to recede but there is much to learn in the shadows. Dealing with money and those that have a greater sense of it is highlighted. Create a party with purpose.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
You may not be a happy fighter but you are good at it. The innate understanding of rebirth gives you a great premise to grow in this time period. Mars and Venus struggling with Pluto makes for romance a touch dicey. Your partners are needing heroic understanding. You deal with drama better than most.
You may not be a happy fighter but you are good at it. The innate understanding of rebirth gives you a great premise to grow in this time period. Mars and Venus struggling with Pluto makes for romance a touch dicey. Your partners are needing heroic understanding. You deal with drama better than most.

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
There are many adventures afoot. Energy for relationships is high. Allow for a new kind of service project and/or a different way to look after yourself. Your home feels in need of an uplifting vision. Do not work too hard, but do what you can to promote yourself.
There are many adventures afoot. Energy for relationships is high. Allow for a new kind of service project and/or a different way to look after yourself. Your home feels in need of an uplifting vision. Do not work too hard, but do what you can to promote yourself.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
There is time to do nothing but have a bubble bath and observe the chaos of others. Children and those of a childlike nature are encouraging you to dance with the flamingos. Absurdity and logic are on the back burner. Any events that promote ephemeral and silliness should be attended.
There is time to do nothing but have a bubble bath and observe the chaos of others. Children and those of a childlike nature are encouraging you to dance with the flamingos. Absurdity and logic are on the back burner. Any events that promote ephemeral and silliness should be attended.

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
Good thing you stick to your guns. You need the format and structure with so many interests and possibilities. Those you lean on and work with need extra attention. Comfort is not your go to desire but for now, fluff those pillows and hang out with somebody who makes you laugh.
Good thing you stick to your guns. You need the format and structure with so many interests and possibilities. Those you lean on and work with need extra attention. Comfort is not your go to desire but for now, fluff those pillows and hang out with somebody who makes you laugh.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
Try to not resist those who want to give you structure. Spend time with neighbors and isolated folks who need you. Your belief in yourself is well deserved. Listen to the analysis of whomever you trust. Life is about relying on a huge heart and the chemistry you share. The soles of your feet respond to the soul in your essence.
Try to not resist those who want to give you structure. Spend time with neighbors and isolated folks who need you. Your belief in yourself is well deserved. Listen to the analysis of whomever you trust. Life is about relying on a huge heart and the chemistry you share. The soles of your feet respond to the soul in your essence.
As above
So below
Be well
So below
Be well