May 2022 Horoscopes |
The Maypole (2019) by Kitty-Grimm
It is eclipse season and greater clarity and insight are abundant. We have to recognize our own truth because the truth of others may not resonate. Difference between empathy and sympathy is the difference between self-perception and observing others. Our thought patterns drag us into judgement. It is hard to see the emotional, historical, cultural components of another’s life experience. As long as their perspective does not trample on yours, it is best to waylay a verdict.
In construction in big cities we are living out the adage “those who live in glass houses should not throw stones”. The perception of sight requires light, but sometimes filters are helpful. A friend curated an exhibition on the beginnings of airplane flights, which coincided with skyscrapers being built. The exhilaration of observing a grand perspective also created a fear of assimilating it. Do you have a room with a view?
In construction in big cities we are living out the adage “those who live in glass houses should not throw stones”. The perception of sight requires light, but sometimes filters are helpful. A friend curated an exhibition on the beginnings of airplane flights, which coincided with skyscrapers being built. The exhilaration of observing a grand perspective also created a fear of assimilating it. Do you have a room with a view?

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Aries ruled by Mars
It may seem you are being overlooked. You are not, but examining vulnerability is often disorienting and confusing. The unconscious never remains totally hidden. How do you act out your emotional distortions? Concentrate on patience. You are loved.
It may seem you are being overlooked. You are not, but examining vulnerability is often disorienting and confusing. The unconscious never remains totally hidden. How do you act out your emotional distortions? Concentrate on patience. You are loved.

Taurus ruled by Venus
Thankfully with the Uranus upsets you are being provided a cushion of unconditional support, if you can see it! We always love ourselves last, if ever. Explosive ego is probably not your dilemma. You prefer the addiction to comfort. See the next two weeks as a time to observe and not react.
Thankfully with the Uranus upsets you are being provided a cushion of unconditional support, if you can see it! We always love ourselves last, if ever. Explosive ego is probably not your dilemma. You prefer the addiction to comfort. See the next two weeks as a time to observe and not react.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
With the drama that is seemingly ongoing, the Mercury retrograde should allow for some tranquility. If you can do it. Doing is not always the best thing, being, with mellowness and silliness can be most rewarding. The contrasts of new things you’re learning and the veils of indecision at work will progress with your awareness.
With the drama that is seemingly ongoing, the Mercury retrograde should allow for some tranquility. If you can do it. Doing is not always the best thing, being, with mellowness and silliness can be most rewarding. The contrasts of new things you’re learning and the veils of indecision at work will progress with your awareness.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
Silver is the element and metal of your sign. Effervescent light is as good as neon. With rain and seeing in between the polarity of obsessions, you will come thru. Women may be lurking and smirking. Large innovative groups are circling. Pathos for foreigners is wonderful. Sending good prayers always help.
Silver is the element and metal of your sign. Effervescent light is as good as neon. With rain and seeing in between the polarity of obsessions, you will come thru. Women may be lurking and smirking. Large innovative groups are circling. Pathos for foreigners is wonderful. Sending good prayers always help.

Leo ruled by the Sun
Bright and shiny is your gift. Being in charge is not what it’s cracked up to be but, you do it with style and dignity. The changes and chaos of the moment dies to be reborn. Stick to a discipline around the home. You know what has worth, do not second guess your instincts.
Bright and shiny is your gift. Being in charge is not what it’s cracked up to be but, you do it with style and dignity. The changes and chaos of the moment dies to be reborn. Stick to a discipline around the home. You know what has worth, do not second guess your instincts.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
As the messenger is not so clear this month, rely on your perception. There are many partnerships to keep track of and you must do so. Limited travel is good. You may find someone to go with and someone to visit. The light hearted may be heavy handed, but you mutate as necessary.
As the messenger is not so clear this month, rely on your perception. There are many partnerships to keep track of and you must do so. Limited travel is good. You may find someone to go with and someone to visit. The light hearted may be heavy handed, but you mutate as necessary.

Libra ruled by Venus
Provide a service with benefits. It could be handling the money of others. Healing comes from the partnership. Intuition is a good thing, as is compassion. Contemplate both. The satisfaction of enabling others to recognize their self-worth is better than writing a check. Creating self-worth and making money are synonymous.
Provide a service with benefits. It could be handling the money of others. Healing comes from the partnership. Intuition is a good thing, as is compassion. Contemplate both. The satisfaction of enabling others to recognize their self-worth is better than writing a check. Creating self-worth and making money are synonymous.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
Relationships with neighbors are sticky. The game of chance is highlighted. Las Vegas, Wall Street and providing for children will appear and disappear with alacrity. Relationships require most of your attention. If you provide comfort of any kind, it will help. Yummy food, Cozy pillows and melodic music are helpful. Singing is the best, as is, remembering smells.
Relationships with neighbors are sticky. The game of chance is highlighted. Las Vegas, Wall Street and providing for children will appear and disappear with alacrity. Relationships require most of your attention. If you provide comfort of any kind, it will help. Yummy food, Cozy pillows and melodic music are helpful. Singing is the best, as is, remembering smells.

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
Camera ready, action at your house. Any support or service is greatly appreciated. A structure you have relied on, is in need of new beams. Invite neighbors you have been thinking you should have over. Whenever you make an effort, it will have repercussions. Write your expectations of the rest of the year.
Camera ready, action at your house. Any support or service is greatly appreciated. A structure you have relied on, is in need of new beams. Invite neighbors you have been thinking you should have over. Whenever you make an effort, it will have repercussions. Write your expectations of the rest of the year.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
Have you found a new interest that is a bit unusual? Many are working from home. But, we need the stimulation of the live chemistry of others. How do you manage ephemeral? As an earth sign, tangible is your modus operandi. Gambling on stocks provide distraction and research. Can you do both?
Have you found a new interest that is a bit unusual? Many are working from home. But, we need the stimulation of the live chemistry of others. How do you manage ephemeral? As an earth sign, tangible is your modus operandi. Gambling on stocks provide distraction and research. Can you do both?

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
The dynamics of living life on the edge are presenting themselves. To get the lithium energy from the ground can be disruptive. What is the right balance of old and new thought? Intuition is your go-to place. But if you are alone in your perspective it can be dicey. Money is provided through a strong belief system. Provide diversion in your home.
The dynamics of living life on the edge are presenting themselves. To get the lithium energy from the ground can be disruptive. What is the right balance of old and new thought? Intuition is your go-to place. But if you are alone in your perspective it can be dicey. Money is provided through a strong belief system. Provide diversion in your home.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
The warm glow of Jupiter and Venus provides protection from inappropriate systems. The opportunity to see clearly is there, provide some vinegar or windex. Speak out, others will appreciate. Clouds, poetry, loose clothing, and mellow music, all bring peace with purpose. Say what you feel and explain later if you need to.
The warm glow of Jupiter and Venus provides protection from inappropriate systems. The opportunity to see clearly is there, provide some vinegar or windex. Speak out, others will appreciate. Clouds, poetry, loose clothing, and mellow music, all bring peace with purpose. Say what you feel and explain later if you need to.
As above
So below
Be well
So below
Be well