November 2016 Horoscopes |

Could the puritans have been right?
Is the negative connotation of sex to provide the desire? The pilgrims landing was at a time of uncertain population. Today we have a population explosion. In the sixties we had free love, now we have transsexual love. SCORPIO rules our sexual lizard brain desire/needs.
The greatest mystery of the human condition is death and sex. The snake has represented the life and death balance throughout history. Mercury, the messenger's caduceus, two snakes entwined is the physicians symbol. In Tantric Yoga it is also the sexual kundalini energy. The spiral of power through the spinal cord.
Please read your rising sign if you know it.
Is the negative connotation of sex to provide the desire? The pilgrims landing was at a time of uncertain population. Today we have a population explosion. In the sixties we had free love, now we have transsexual love. SCORPIO rules our sexual lizard brain desire/needs.
The greatest mystery of the human condition is death and sex. The snake has represented the life and death balance throughout history. Mercury, the messenger's caduceus, two snakes entwined is the physicians symbol. In Tantric Yoga it is also the sexual kundalini energy. The spiral of power through the spinal cord.
Please read your rising sign if you know it.

Aries ruled by Mars
Your brand of direct movement is sidelined. The elusive world of emotional energy is featured. It may be more fun to be introspective. You will have support from intellectual contemporaries to direct your gaze inwards. What do you like to read? Be honest in your ability to convince others. The power of borrowing/lending money is a rainbow of elements. Remember how hard it is catch a leprechaun.
Your brand of direct movement is sidelined. The elusive world of emotional energy is featured. It may be more fun to be introspective. You will have support from intellectual contemporaries to direct your gaze inwards. What do you like to read? Be honest in your ability to convince others. The power of borrowing/lending money is a rainbow of elements. Remember how hard it is catch a leprechaun.

Taurus ruled by Venus
The lady is dancing the dance of the seven veils. Can you stir yourself to admire her technique? Be circumspect with those in control. The boundaries surrounding you have velvet ropes. If beauty and comfort are your "go to" desires, you most probably will acquire them. Philosophy and travel are highlighted. Pack light.
The lady is dancing the dance of the seven veils. Can you stir yourself to admire her technique? Be circumspect with those in control. The boundaries surrounding you have velvet ropes. If beauty and comfort are your "go to" desires, you most probably will acquire them. Philosophy and travel are highlighted. Pack light.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
Others are taking precedence. Ferret out the information you need until the 12th. After that, it will require creative interpretation to satisfy your voracious appetite of knowledge. How informed do we need to be? How often are we told, to be informed, is necessary? The image of information is like the number balls in the lottery. Our brains keep us extremely busy with trivia, but also with honest, subtle, and correct impressions. Trust.
Others are taking precedence. Ferret out the information you need until the 12th. After that, it will require creative interpretation to satisfy your voracious appetite of knowledge. How informed do we need to be? How often are we told, to be informed, is necessary? The image of information is like the number balls in the lottery. Our brains keep us extremely busy with trivia, but also with honest, subtle, and correct impressions. Trust.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
Your ruler flies through the zodiac in every sign in the month. This is an indication of the various moods you may celebrate. You are in tune with the sea, the earths rotation and the weather. As this is the season of death and rebirth in the northern hemisphere, embrace the continuities of time. Partners, and significant others are making you dance to their rhythm. You can.
Your ruler flies through the zodiac in every sign in the month. This is an indication of the various moods you may celebrate. You are in tune with the sea, the earths rotation and the weather. As this is the season of death and rebirth in the northern hemisphere, embrace the continuities of time. Partners, and significant others are making you dance to their rhythm. You can.

Leo ruled by the Sun
Varuna is in Leo. Temporarily the furthest out planet, is the ancient God of the Hindus. He rules the sea, scorpions and tempestuous travel. He may be a combination of Ouranus and Neptune. As the ongoing issues of boundaries have been a focus with psychology, the spread between chaos and cosmos have been in metaphysical thinking forever. See the universe in your home.
Varuna is in Leo. Temporarily the furthest out planet, is the ancient God of the Hindus. He rules the sea, scorpions and tempestuous travel. He may be a combination of Ouranus and Neptune. As the ongoing issues of boundaries have been a focus with psychology, the spread between chaos and cosmos have been in metaphysical thinking forever. See the universe in your home.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
You enjoy the interplay of the three brain parts. Reptilian, limbic, and thinking. Primal, emotional, logical. Which is your order of preference? Does it change moment to moment?
Mars and Pluto are traveling together enhancing your grounded essence. Next door neighbors and children provide diversion.
You enjoy the interplay of the three brain parts. Reptilian, limbic, and thinking. Primal, emotional, logical. Which is your order of preference? Does it change moment to moment?
Mars and Pluto are traveling together enhancing your grounded essence. Next door neighbors and children provide diversion.

Libra ruled by Venus
It is nice to be off center stage for a moment. Diplomacy works best when one can blend in. Are you a rebel without a clue, or is your partner? After the 11th, your home becomes a focus, redecorate within your limits. You have a friend who offers you the space to create, if you can see and trust it.
It is nice to be off center stage for a moment. Diplomacy works best when one can blend in. Are you a rebel without a clue, or is your partner? After the 11th, your home becomes a focus, redecorate within your limits. You have a friend who offers you the space to create, if you can see and trust it.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
Be as sensuous as you can. It is such a strength you have. You glorify the never ending desire nature. What is the dream difference between a consultant and an expert? Is it all about a conversation of creativity? Be good to yourself and seriously trust your instincts. After the 8th your energy may get scattered. Stay still if possible. Money or self worth are a part of your raison d'être. Step outside and observe your attachments.
Be as sensuous as you can. It is such a strength you have. You glorify the never ending desire nature. What is the dream difference between a consultant and an expert? Is it all about a conversation of creativity? Be good to yourself and seriously trust your instincts. After the 8th your energy may get scattered. Stay still if possible. Money or self worth are a part of your raison d'être. Step outside and observe your attachments.

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
Contemplating is your hobby. Of course, conquest is too. The planning it takes to conquer is disruptive to your dance. Know that in the near future, it will be your time. Believe in your finely honed perceptions. There is a wealth of knowledge in what you do not say. Neptune is your sibling and you understand illusion and inspiration. We all pick our own vices. Reality is overrated.
Contemplating is your hobby. Of course, conquest is too. The planning it takes to conquer is disruptive to your dance. Know that in the near future, it will be your time. Believe in your finely honed perceptions. There is a wealth of knowledge in what you do not say. Neptune is your sibling and you understand illusion and inspiration. We all pick our own vices. Reality is overrated.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
There may be a wealth of causes to embrace. Feel the myriad of thoughts that are not the status quo. The plans you are making have longevity. The nature of diplomacy is fluid. Your makeup is more immovable. Your career and home life are featured with expansion and confusion. Be the oak that stands tall and grand.
There may be a wealth of causes to embrace. Feel the myriad of thoughts that are not the status quo. The plans you are making have longevity. The nature of diplomacy is fluid. Your makeup is more immovable. Your career and home life are featured with expansion and confusion. Be the oak that stands tall and grand.

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
Your place in the workforce is highlighted. Working with others and not lording over them is key. The nature of equality is to recognize that noblesse oblige is a quality required to get good service. If those who work for you feel unheard, you may find your coffers empty. Enhanced intelligence, your forte, can be misunderstood.
Your place in the workforce is highlighted. Working with others and not lording over them is key. The nature of equality is to recognize that noblesse oblige is a quality required to get good service. If those who work for you feel unheard, you may find your coffers empty. Enhanced intelligence, your forte, can be misunderstood.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
The only one who doesn't trust your instincts is you. Those who care, know you are rarely wrong. Learn something. The misty world of the unconscious is your domain. Dreaming, daydreaming and rolling waves are your props. There are conflicts in the career that are more sympathetic to you than you know. Any service you are offering is greatly appreciated.
As Above
so Below
Be Well
The only one who doesn't trust your instincts is you. Those who care, know you are rarely wrong. Learn something. The misty world of the unconscious is your domain. Dreaming, daydreaming and rolling waves are your props. There are conflicts in the career that are more sympathetic to you than you know. Any service you are offering is greatly appreciated.
As Above
so Below
Be Well