November 2021 Horoscopes |
Phallic Symbol (China Qing Dynasty, 18th Century; Silver; Handmade)
Morticia Addams from the Addams Family
Morticia Addams from the Addams Family
Smell is the subtle, existential sense. We rarely pay attention unless it is necessary. Smoke, garlic, perfume, compost heap, are all pervasively in our purview. For most other creatures, it provides life’s necessities. Food, shelter, fear, and comfort are all a component of our noses. In astrology, it is ruled by Scorpio.
Like most everything, enhanced awareness of smell provides insight into our unconscious. Focus on it and we will remember the earliest poignant memories. Attraction is most always influenced by it. Of course, these days we have been robbed of it. Perhaps our general malaise in connecting to others now, is, we are unaware as to how to reestablish uniting, relating and associating through the ongoing face coverings.
If Narcissus, the flower was being picked by Persephone when she was abducted by Pluto, does this mean, she was actually being saved from being too self-involved? And was it the smell?
Like most everything, enhanced awareness of smell provides insight into our unconscious. Focus on it and we will remember the earliest poignant memories. Attraction is most always influenced by it. Of course, these days we have been robbed of it. Perhaps our general malaise in connecting to others now, is, we are unaware as to how to reestablish uniting, relating and associating through the ongoing face coverings.
If Narcissus, the flower was being picked by Persephone when she was abducted by Pluto, does this mean, she was actually being saved from being too self-involved? And was it the smell?

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Aries ruled by Mars
This new moon on November 4, places a strong focus on Mars. In Scorpio, the nature of fighting is very subtle and requires hidden assets. Be aware of the dominant theme of chaos and select those who enhance calm awareness. This can be on a racetrack or on a pond. Like most things if you zero in on it, it will guide you.
This new moon on November 4, places a strong focus on Mars. In Scorpio, the nature of fighting is very subtle and requires hidden assets. Be aware of the dominant theme of chaos and select those who enhance calm awareness. This can be on a racetrack or on a pond. Like most things if you zero in on it, it will guide you.

Taurus ruled by Venus
With all the pressure of providing a roof, food and reflective ness for others, it may seem like the practical necessities, you are in charge of, are on overload. There is an airy intellectual force on your side. Tap into any rules, laws, restrictions of a collective association to remedy what seems insurmountable. They may not stick forever, but will get you through.
With all the pressure of providing a roof, food and reflective ness for others, it may seem like the practical necessities, you are in charge of, are on overload. There is an airy intellectual force on your side. Tap into any rules, laws, restrictions of a collective association to remedy what seems insurmountable. They may not stick forever, but will get you through.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
There may be many demands on services you provide. The degree of perfection will be fluid. Do not let your brain race to any minor flaws. If you press on a muscular bump, it will release tension. The same is true, in your brain. As Lotte Berk said “tuck and release”. We rely on history to alleviate the terror of the moment. This too, will pass.
There may be many demands on services you provide. The degree of perfection will be fluid. Do not let your brain race to any minor flaws. If you press on a muscular bump, it will release tension. The same is true, in your brain. As Lotte Berk said “tuck and release”. We rely on history to alleviate the terror of the moment. This too, will pass.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
The masses are restless. The Moon reminds us of chaotic crowd control. The in betweenness of our existence is highlighted when the sign of Scorpio prevails. If you Mother many, they are definitely not conforming. Mothering also requires, relinquishing. Any sort of travel, even to the dry cleaners is helpful. Study a new/old metaphysical science.
The masses are restless. The Moon reminds us of chaotic crowd control. The in betweenness of our existence is highlighted when the sign of Scorpio prevails. If you Mother many, they are definitely not conforming. Mothering also requires, relinquishing. Any sort of travel, even to the dry cleaners is helpful. Study a new/old metaphysical science.

Leo ruled by the Sun
Being center stage will bring discord. Bring others into your nurturing, playful home, and let them dictate the menu, the conversation and the disposal of leftovers. New relationships are provided. Let the initiative be provided by others. You might find daydreaming and things that are ephemeral and illusionary, the most productive.
Being center stage will bring discord. Bring others into your nurturing, playful home, and let them dictate the menu, the conversation and the disposal of leftovers. New relationships are provided. Let the initiative be provided by others. You might find daydreaming and things that are ephemeral and illusionary, the most productive.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
As a rule you handle the secrecy and paranoia with calm. The momentary lapses of overreacting will be there, but you will see them for what they are. Your neighbors are reaching out with old revised perspectives. Some may provide practicalities. Some may not. Even if you do not partake, you will provide the awareness that is needed.
As a rule you handle the secrecy and paranoia with calm. The momentary lapses of overreacting will be there, but you will see them for what they are. Your neighbors are reaching out with old revised perspectives. Some may provide practicalities. Some may not. Even if you do not partake, you will provide the awareness that is needed.

Libra ruled by Venus
Healing and assertive contrariness are prevalent. Any control over finances are a frustration. Dream about travel to another realm. Irrational women are in control. Too much will create impotence. Children will provide the diversion that is necessary. Find a maypole to dance around. Value yourself and contemplate circles.
Healing and assertive contrariness are prevalent. Any control over finances are a frustration. Dream about travel to another realm. Irrational women are in control. Too much will create impotence. Children will provide the diversion that is necessary. Find a maypole to dance around. Value yourself and contemplate circles.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
Too much focus becomes toxic. As the creature that understands the nature of losing control the best, you can bite the hand that feeds you. You understand what is modern or in fashion. You also know it goes around in circles. The disruption of instant communication brings the viability of truth in question. Truth like wine needs aging.
Too much focus becomes toxic. As the creature that understands the nature of losing control the best, you can bite the hand that feeds you. You understand what is modern or in fashion. You also know it goes around in circles. The disruption of instant communication brings the viability of truth in question. Truth like wine needs aging.

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
The minuscule is what is needed now. Harmless details are enhanced. Philosophical perspectives are limited. Your worthiness will be needed soon. Healing of the feminine is center stage. Out of the box thinking is needed where you live. Enjoy relaxing in your home.
The minuscule is what is needed now. Harmless details are enhanced. Philosophical perspectives are limited. Your worthiness will be needed soon. Healing of the feminine is center stage. Out of the box thinking is needed where you live. Enjoy relaxing in your home.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
The solidness you normally provide is being over turned by sudden new values. Again, it will take time for them to be integrated. Right now, any service you supply will be greatly appreciated. In groups you will stand out. Your preference of reality over illusion is being tested. Does not the human experience require both?
The solidness you normally provide is being over turned by sudden new values. Again, it will take time for them to be integrated. Right now, any service you supply will be greatly appreciated. In groups you will stand out. Your preference of reality over illusion is being tested. Does not the human experience require both?

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
As the water bearer, you provide the interpretation through the air and the process of thinking. It is not always logical. Acknowledge the irrational, through that you can go where you need to. Find help through childish joy. Puzzles, finger painting, and the thrills of electrical toys can be made to harness excess energy. Discover a tool to enhance uses of water.
As the water bearer, you provide the interpretation through the air and the process of thinking. It is not always logical. Acknowledge the irrational, through that you can go where you need to. Find help through childish joy. Puzzles, finger painting, and the thrills of electrical toys can be made to harness excess energy. Discover a tool to enhance uses of water.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
The warrior Queen is pushing you towards resurgence. The feminine smells the atmosphere and reacts. This time of the year enhances movement between boundaries. Exposure, learning, and pushing the envelope are required. You may be sad but rarely afraid of these attributes. Why do we so enjoy murder mysteries? It’s all about the puzzle.
The warrior Queen is pushing you towards resurgence. The feminine smells the atmosphere and reacts. This time of the year enhances movement between boundaries. Exposure, learning, and pushing the envelope are required. You may be sad but rarely afraid of these attributes. Why do we so enjoy murder mysteries? It’s all about the puzzle.
As above
So below
Be well
So below
Be well