September 2018 Horoscopes
Safety, security, swaddling are words that describe the Moon and where it is in your chart. You can look at for a free calculation and mini interpretation.
The idea of being secure is a paradox. We all have a version of creativity and restraint that rarely but sometimes can be in harmony. The Moon connected by gravity to our planet, is a smoking mirror. Mirrors contain Mercury, which we know is very hard to catch. Try to remember the kind of September, a phrase from the Fantasticks, implies that memory is whispering mostly a feeling.
The idea of being secure is a paradox. We all have a version of creativity and restraint that rarely but sometimes can be in harmony. The Moon connected by gravity to our planet, is a smoking mirror. Mirrors contain Mercury, which we know is very hard to catch. Try to remember the kind of September, a phrase from the Fantasticks, implies that memory is whispering mostly a feeling.
Please read your rising sign.
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Aries ruled by Mars
This sign gives the Moon courage and wobbly gifts. Your discipline is requiring attention. The grounding principle is of the utmost importance. The career and resources have lots of good help when you remember to pace your exuberance and remember repetition is a very wise habit.
This sign gives the Moon courage and wobbly gifts. Your discipline is requiring attention. The grounding principle is of the utmost importance. The career and resources have lots of good help when you remember to pace your exuberance and remember repetition is a very wise habit.

Taurus ruled by Venus
The unconscious and the moon in this sign bring stability to emotional upheaval. The beginning of the month is about diplomacy. If you are not a big talker, try singing. Relationships figure predominantly thru November. See the flexibility in your emotional connections.
The unconscious and the moon in this sign bring stability to emotional upheaval. The beginning of the month is about diplomacy. If you are not a big talker, try singing. Relationships figure predominantly thru November. See the flexibility in your emotional connections.

Gemini ruled by Mercury
The Moon in your sign is two sided. The involuntary muscles may need extra care. Let the monkey brain have its way and then it will collapse. You are being grounded and it may feel tortuous. Change is your pal and by the end of the month there will be a lot of it.
The Moon in your sign is two sided. The involuntary muscles may need extra care. Let the monkey brain have its way and then it will collapse. You are being grounded and it may feel tortuous. Change is your pal and by the end of the month there will be a lot of it.

Cancer ruled by the Moon
The Moon has its own way of maneuvering the linear perspective. Your purpose is trusting your powerful intuition. Thinking too good things or too bad things provides energy but distracts from the unseeable. Think about sex in ways you never have. The immovable elements in your significant other needs tickling.
The Moon has its own way of maneuvering the linear perspective. Your purpose is trusting your powerful intuition. Thinking too good things or too bad things provides energy but distracts from the unseeable. Think about sex in ways you never have. The immovable elements in your significant other needs tickling.

Leo ruled by the Sun
The moon is only seen when you are not. The bright light you contain is blinding to the inner essence. Your decisions on money are in the forefront. Gold is your friend. Your home may need a facelift and you must hear the suggestions of others. There are undiscovered options to make hay.
The moon is only seen when you are not. The bright light you contain is blinding to the inner essence. Your decisions on money are in the forefront. Gold is your friend. Your home may need a facelift and you must hear the suggestions of others. There are undiscovered options to make hay.

Virgo ruled by Mercury
Moonlight is mercurial. It reflects off the water and glass. You have acquaintances and relatives that are surrounding you in invisibility. This gives you time and space to sort thru the myriad of fairy dust that is distracting. The Goddess has many faces, she loves to feed you and pinch you.
Moonlight is mercurial. It reflects off the water and glass. You have acquaintances and relatives that are surrounding you in invisibility. This gives you time and space to sort thru the myriad of fairy dust that is distracting. The Goddess has many faces, she loves to feed you and pinch you.

Libra ruled by Venus
Moon over Miami’s skyline creates magic the local Indians say. The sign of balance enjoys glamour but also needs morality. Virtue, ethics and codes of conduct are your area of expertise. Allow the inner lizard brain the free reign, as you might forget you are human. There is peace around the corner.
Moon over Miami’s skyline creates magic the local Indians say. The sign of balance enjoys glamour but also needs morality. Virtue, ethics and codes of conduct are your area of expertise. Allow the inner lizard brain the free reign, as you might forget you are human. There is peace around the corner.

Scorpio ruled by Pluto
Can the moon travel to the underworld? As nighttime is the closest we know to the concept of death, we try to be reborn everyday. Moods are chemistry inspired by genetics and distorted feelings. It can be harder to be happy. Enjoy this time of folks reaching out to you. Your mysteries are nectar to their sensibilities.
Can the moon travel to the underworld? As nighttime is the closest we know to the concept of death, we try to be reborn everyday. Moods are chemistry inspired by genetics and distorted feelings. It can be harder to be happy. Enjoy this time of folks reaching out to you. Your mysteries are nectar to their sensibilities.

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
Instead of the man, you have a horse on the moon. Speed reminds us of wings. Let your feelings fly but remember to coast. The unicorn is riding sidesaddle and pokes the third eye. Plan a party for the end of the month. This is transition time and you love movement. Create the fires of new projects.
Instead of the man, you have a horse on the moon. Speed reminds us of wings. Let your feelings fly but remember to coast. The unicorn is riding sidesaddle and pokes the third eye. Plan a party for the end of the month. This is transition time and you love movement. Create the fires of new projects.

Capricorn ruled by Saturn
Limitation is not something the moon appreciates. It is your strength and you can ponder your emotions. Seemingly without total despair. Like Atlas you hold the rest of us, up. You accept the inevitable with ease and humor. You can cut out the excess cream and candy. Enjoy the support others show for your long reaching presence.
Limitation is not something the moon appreciates. It is your strength and you can ponder your emotions. Seemingly without total despair. Like Atlas you hold the rest of us, up. You accept the inevitable with ease and humor. You can cut out the excess cream and candy. Enjoy the support others show for your long reaching presence.

Aquarius ruled by Uranus
The sky is what supports the moon, with a little help from gravity. As the ruler of the infinite blue you also hold the fixity needed to juggle. Gaia was your consort until the persona of Mother Nature required change. Weather patterns may intrigue you, and falling leaves remind you to encourage others to let go.
The sky is what supports the moon, with a little help from gravity. As the ruler of the infinite blue you also hold the fixity needed to juggle. Gaia was your consort until the persona of Mother Nature required change. Weather patterns may intrigue you, and falling leaves remind you to encourage others to let go.

Pisces ruled by Neptune
The fluidity of the moon in your sign is so poignant. The feeling of wanting to laugh and cry at the same time. Alternating states of consciousness are familiar territory and no blame for their sometimes confusion. To be hung over, there is self deprecating comfort and sheepishness. You have the urge for travel, different viewpoints. Be a good listener, don’t forget to talk.
The fluidity of the moon in your sign is so poignant. The feeling of wanting to laugh and cry at the same time. Alternating states of consciousness are familiar territory and no blame for their sometimes confusion. To be hung over, there is self deprecating comfort and sheepishness. You have the urge for travel, different viewpoints. Be a good listener, don’t forget to talk.
Writing this column puts the Sun sign on eastern horizon, aka rising sign.
If you know it, read it.
As above
So below
Be well
If you know it, read it.
As above
So below
Be well