Please read your rising sign if you know it
Aquarius’ new ruler Uranus is the conduit to chaos, change and creativity. He is part of the ancient pantheon of the gods. Arthur C. CLARKE said “it may be our role is not to worship the gods but to create them”. See this time of global turmoil as being a battle about chivalry and purity. The medieval lances and chain Armour were practical but romantic in the way people thought about them. The knights and crusades gave moral high ground to the middle eastern Salazar as well as the Christians. Please read your rising sign if you know it Aquarius ruled by Uranus The combination of water and electricity is your specialty. Observe eels. Our hearts beat by the magnetic current of our earths rhythm. Being 90% water, emotion is the strongest part of us. Remember to be kind. It is not a weakness. Fashion is needed but belief is the purest.
Horoscope of Jesus Christ
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