In 1948 Claude M Bristol wrote a little classic book called “The Magic of Believing”. Mr Bristol was a journalist, an investment banker and thinker.
The amazing thing about books that were successful and permeate the collective is, after time, the essence has more punch than the contemporary books along the same lines. This is because, the human ego can no longer impose on the purity of the rules of psychic truths.
The writers of the I Ching, the Bible or the Koran are not known as living people, with foibles.
The science of thought has been acknowledged since the written word was invented, probably before, thru rhythm and song. It is also known that the power of suggestion thru repetition or hypnotism is pervasive in the porous boundaries of the human psyche.
Coincidence, synchronicity and metaphysics are not commonly embraced in the world of politics and making money. But, we all know the Latin proverb “Believe that you have it, and you have it.”
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