Right: Engraving of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, according a vision of Marguerite-Marie Alacoque.
Prehistoric cave paintings had images of the heart in the animals they depicted. In the tarot hearts/cups represent the element of water and emotions. But, conversely the spade/sword which represents air and the mind, also is an upside down heart. Of course the connection between lung and heart are supremely intertwined.
As our emotions are not physically evident unless we react or get sick, it is the chemistry we receive from another that embraces our awareness of them and ourselves. Why are we attracted to certain folks? Many systems, like astrology try to analyze this. Initially it is through the eyes, but rapidly encompasses the other senses like, smell and hearing. Then love becomes a conglomeration of coincidences, history, shared habits, and compassion.
13th century poem “Roman de la Rose”, Depicts joy and despair. The beauty and smell of the rose is balanced by the thorns.
Uranus or Ouranos is the God of the Heavens and the Rain, he is the father of Venus, whose mother was the sea. Venus’ sire were the testicles of Uranus. Her earlier incarnation, Ishtar was above all, passionate. Be it sex, or war. This is in keeping with the universal myth, the King is dead, long live the King. Venus was often attracted to various suitors. Uranus now is in Taurus, which is one of Venus’ rulerships. The sensuousness of Taurus is comforting, but Uranus likes freedom. Venus also rules money and self-worth. As we are in the season of Aquarius it is the opposite of Leo the lion. And we celebrate the poignancy of Valentine’s Day, the expression of the intimacy of love.
Our intellect often wants one supreme leader. The ability to carry numerous persons of authority as guardians is a democratic concept. In Greece, a republican one. Perhaps we need to truly apply the God/Guardian in our hearts as the ultimate decider.