• Lucas Jennis’s Ouroboros engraving (1625)
• Book Emblem (17th century)
Most of us are preoccupied with trying to create focus or a symbol of “the one”.
Prince was perhaps trying to convey that the symbol he used, was the essence of himself. The glyphs for Venus and Mars were merged to form his new name. Perhaps he is the precursor to the ambidextrous nature of sex in the ways we are trying to reinterpret today. As a Gemini Monkey he could juggle concepts with glee.
Petro stone glyph carving are the earliest form of communication and empathy. Geometric form constants, that are universal to the human consciousness.
We use these glyphs like the one for ❤️ or 💰 endlessly in our daily existence. A symbol is how we can integrate the emotional, physical, and mental, when lengthy descriptions can lessen the importance.
The figure 8 upright, is the value of amount. Lay it sideways and the concept of infinity emerges. The number is about power and money. Infinity is the endless repetition of existence.
The ouroboros is the snake eating its tail to become whole.
Doodling is an extremely helpful way to allow the mind to wander, hence, focus on the intangible.
Professionals use simply constructed language to express their particular line of work. The Rx is a medical expression. Carpe diam is a philosopher’s contemplation.
Scientists and mathematicians have a tremendous amounts of symbols. The preeminent being Pi.
A symphony blends the single instrument into a cohesive whole.
Symptoms provide insight.
Religion relies on the cross, the candle, the moon, the sun, and many others to cohesively help us focus. The circle is our infinite cycle of hope. The 5 senses are all connected in encouraging the blend of becoming one and not separate.