The horn snake may have given birth to the dragon and perhaps the devil.
What was Eves fascination? Could the snake represent feminine wisdom? Or eroticism?
All over the world, prehistoric art has the undulating form of the serpent.
The Aztecs, the Egyptians, China, Japan, Russia and Europe, have stories of reptiles that mesmerize. Native Americans honor them.
The caduceus has entwining snakes to perceive the duality of medicine, which in turn reminds us of death and rebirth. Our species has longed for immortality. A poison’s cure is in consuming a version of it.
In the state of Ohio is the Serpent Mound. It is 411 meters long. It has an egg or the moon in its head. Is it honoring the Goddess. Ophir is Greek word for serpent.
Like Hel in Norse mythology she ruled the dead which her father Odin ordered, but not the warrior dead who went to Valhalla.
Cleopatra was the embodied Isis. Her death through the asp’s poison guaranteed immortality.
In Crete’s Minoan culture a figure of Astarte was found on Knossos. She carries two snakes.
The accredited creator of the vaccine was a Dr Edward Jenner in Berkeley England. He noticed a liquid from the pus of a cow’s nipple dispersed smallpox. His cowbox helped the pandemic. Vaccine means “from the cow.”
Featured Photographs--
The Serpent Mound in Locus Grove, Ohio
Double Helix: Biology at Colegio Montessori
The Goddess Ariadne Snake Labyrinth
Ishtar on an Akkadian Seal
The Temple of Vaccinia at Dr. Jenner's House