Great Sphinx of Giza
Am I accountable for the actions of others as well as my own? It does seem like an idealistic concept although sometimes our ego demands it. Does it mean having control over another? It is hard to know when to lead and when to follow.
The Latin “gratus” is defined as pleasing or thankful. Gratitude seems a bit overused these days. It is important to be thankful for our gifts and perspectives. Gratis can also imply “expected”, or it can demand a certain freedom. Sometimes words are the thing that define our life experience but they can also be open for interpretation. Is worthiness and allowing love in your life expected or hard to implement?
As the world turns and the movement of the stars, we are in a constant condition of change. The recent need to eliminate the past is also a consistent motif of human history. Hadrian’s wall and Napoleons or the Ottoman Marmalukes removal of the Sphinxes nose are examples of how we often eliminate what came before. Was Hadrian’s wall a responsibility? It is a variable truth as many feel removing the nose is effectively killing, by not allowing the breath to perform its duties. Or could it be that smell is connected to the third eye? Does the third eye open our hearts? Believe.
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Animals and Humans Sharing a Deep Connection