The stories of apples and the nature of relationships.
For Venus and Hélène of Troy the addiction of beauty and love provided disharmony, and discord.
Because Eris, like Sleeping beauty was not invited to the party, there were repercussions. The apple that she threw down like a gauntlet, may have correlations to the puritanical idea of Eve celebrating her sexuality by embracing the serpents offering. Why is the apple the symbol of difficult choices?
Inside the Apple cut in half is the 5 pointed star that DaVinci offered as the symbol of mankind. Humans seem to be endlessly fixated on the feelings of ecstasy promoted by love. The passion of it on the one side and purposely denigrate the ephemeral chaos of the other. Venus’ rivals, were Juno and Athena. Power/Juno and wisdom/Athena will often wilt in the face of the immediate satisfaction of love.
Is this evil? Fear is the thing that makes us face mortality. Is mortality evil? The earliest storytellers created the polarity to stimulate the pleasure of an emotional roller coaster. Our early forbears needed to explain the nothingness of death, and belief systems were created.
The beast’s love for beauty overcame the evil spell that had been put on him.
Snow White was given the poisoned apple to contemplate her fear, sleep is the enemy of conscious insight. Even our dreams can only be seen clearly on waking. The need to have the myths told in our unconscious is the necessary first step. Her step mother the queen’s, love of beauty was a quality of Venus. How often do we want immediate satisfaction over tedious/evil mundane exercises. Can speed overcome the premise of sustained growth?
The boundaries of Saturn are the rings. The understanding that comes from him is Time and Patience and Persistence. We can idealize these qualities but we rarely love them. They are a reality of our lives. Most of us prefer fantasy, color and comfort. There are those who regiment their lives with Saturns disciplines. But somewhere, even those people, slip into the clutches of Cupid. Release the restrictions of fear but embrace the influence of acceptance. In asking questions, realize the release of any advantage the querent may invoke. Rhetorical questions allow much more space to contemplate rather than provoke. Is order synonymous with truth?
Allow this momentous eclipse in Capricorn some space for your bodily structure to relax.