Eleutheria means liberty. There is a high price for freedom, which we humans tend to forget.
How often do we want decisions made for us? Then complain that our freedom of speech and rights have been usurped? William James said "When you have to make a choice and don't make it - that is unto itself, a choice"
St Nicholas born in Myra, Lycia, now a coastal town in Turkey, is the patron saint of sailors and adopted by the Dutch in New Amsterdam, as Santa Claus.
St Nick was depicted as a jovial character with a very generous streak. Three daughters who might have had to become prostitutes, were mysteriously given bags of gold dropped through the chimney into their drying stockings at the hearth. The dowry given by Santa Claus gave them the ability to marry. He is also the protector of reformed thieves and pawnbrokers, hence the three gold balls.
The sea is the domain of Poseidon or Neptune. The sailors of the region gave this beautiful coast to his authority in pre Christian times.
The letter of the law, literally a punctuation of liberty? Like philosophy, interpretation is ephemeral. More often than not, power, is the defining issue. Even lady liberty is subject to interpretation. If the argument is persuasive and seductive, the interpreter is the winner. How often have you noticed the competitiveness of another who disagrees for the sake of it? There is also the altruistic antagonism of conflict. Often the spark to spur is confrontational. Creativity requires contradiction.
With the Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius, rigidity and flexibility are doing the tango. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius likes contemplating the varieties of possible intricacies. Saturn wants the structure and longevity of brick and mortar.
Prejudice is rooted in fear.
Misunderstanding of different cultural morals can be as simple as habits and emotional disillusionment.
St Nicholas was a Bishop, whose color traditionally is red. Red is also the color of Mars, who gives us the energy to renew ourselves at this time of the Winter Solstice.