The world is mostly covered in water; could this be the reason that feelings rule? We react to perceived injustices, and struggle for logic. Science tries to overcome primordial lizard brain. Saturn in Sagittarius is reality vs philosophy. The scale is similar to passion and compassion. How often do we rally against the personal illogical greed and our need to be acknowledged?
Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered?
What we say has mostly been said before. Each individual needs to recreate this reality. We can only integrate our personal perceptions.
The world's of en lighten ment, literally fire signs, and conceptualization, in the brain, air equals thought, are male dominated, right brain activities. A thunder storm is composed of wind, electricity, thunder or vibration and rain. Again connection to the elements of air, fire, earth and water.
A case could be made for earth signs wondering “do I exist?”
Water is about the dream world and feelings. All good ghost stories have murky waters. The life of a sailor is longing to be free.
Chaos and order go hand and hand. Ideally we want to rid ourselves of the polarity. Perhaps there are some who are able to hang onto the focus of non-duality. As the saying goes, it is the journey, not arriving there.