The internet and AI are all about providing an influx of information and power. The addiction to finding answers, are, how we now see, survival. Is it possible to have meaningful conversations without your phone?
The satisfaction of googling, as an agreed upon truth, is real. But, the truth is seeming more and more elusive. Best to go make back to rhyming slang. Like the Cockneys (apples and pears)=chairs. Or “Twinkle, twinkle, little star”
Opinions are like popcorn, delicious, not very filling, but oh, so much fun. And really, mostly about chemistry in the moment.
Ghenkis Khan, the world’s most powerful dictator has no tomb or monument. His people want it that way. The tangible memory of his ruling time is thru the countries he consumed and the total lack of “justice” he controlled. Like lord Dracula, he is admired by many of his people because of the total control. A bit like prickly “swaddling?”
Security is a pink truth. We love pink, but being secure is not real. Feeling safe is a struggle, we never stop chasing. Even the most recent interpretation of Barbie is full of moral ambiguities. Stable and free from anxiety are lovely concepts. For a brief moment in time…but, is being constantly spied on and listened to a secure feeling?
In the words of the children’s comfort rhyme, “Row, row, row, your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.”