The awareness of sight is to acknowledge how color, shape, and perspective increases our love of beauty. How often do we base an opinion on what the eyes show us? Our tears make a statement to us and those around us. They demonstrate how “too much” is what transmutes water.
When we hear another’s tone of voice we immediately know what the mood is apt to be. The sound of music is our anecdote to dangling nerves. It is also what increases our passion in the beat of our heart. Drums were created as visceral enhancers to rally the troops. The flute brings forth the fairies and the piano enables our basic memory of melody.
Smell is the attraction to mate and to fuel our bodies with energy. Often smelly things can startle us and make us laugh. The olfactory nerve is the strongest in the body and when living in groups we move in harmony through the routine of bodily functions, sensing without knowing.
The feel of abrasive versus smooth is where we derive pleasure to connect on a comfort level. Some pursue pain as a waking up process. Some inflict pain for the same reason. The sensation of petting a person, pet or object can focus on the calming rhythm of electricity just below the skin.
Tasting is all about a joy of reenforcing life thru nourishment. The subtleties between the nose and tongue may be hard to differentiate. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. We savor the tangy, piquant, spicy, salty and sweet. We identify cultures through these sensations.
The sense we cannot make tangible is our intuition.
As chemistry is very strong in our psyche, it is hard to say if a reaction we have is an old accumulative perspective that we are comparing the person, place or situation to. Or, if the intuitive sense is kicking in. We all want to trust others, our instincts, and think the best. So much of our lives is about the hurt that we perceive others as inflicting. The metaphysical thought is that situations arise for us to learn. In general we know, how important it is to know, that rarely does a single person create the problem we cannot digest. We have a built in mechanism to blame our broken toe on anyone else. This applies to our boss and our leaders.
The conclusion is trust your intuition and let it guide your moods and foibles.