February brings Imbolc also known as “in the belly”, Mardi Gras and Valentine’s Day. We also celebrate presidents. The first stirrings of spring. The belly showing the first signs of new birth. Also known as Brighid or Bride day. Groundhog Day which may connect to the animals soul that needs work if it can see its shadow.
Mardi Gras celebrates the polarity of excess and abstinence. Carnival means to remove meat, abstinence. To eat meat and fat and enjoy the preliminaries of making babies, become prevalent. It is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.
Valentine’s Day incorporates Cupid and Venus to make sure life renews. Lupercalia was its precursor to the Christian followers of St Valentine, who was known for marrying those in need. The concept of love is more modern. According to Plato, a conflicting idea. His belief in brotherly love gave birth to Platonic, non-sexual love.
February, the word, comes from purging and purifying in Latin. The word fever may also be related in the cleansing of the body and soul. Lupercalia refers also to the she-wolf who fed the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.
Presidents’ Day or Washington’s Birthday was created in the 1880s. Washington was born with Venus exalted in Pisces. His capacity to love with compassion was displayed in his love of animals. His intelligence with Mercury in Aquarius and Uranus in Sagittarius was outstanding. He embodied the pursuit of happiness. Conflict was something he accepted and engaged in with energy. His Mars was in Scorpio in 7 house of open enemies.
Enjoy this month of marching forth to new beginnings.
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