He was born during a similar sky as we are experiencing today. Our recent, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto aspects and Neptune in Pisces, were dominant. Neptune, in its own sign, close to when it was observed, for the first time.
We need to throw out what is no longer needed but reconfigure with thoughtfulness. Boundaries are a Neptunian concept. Liquids can only be contained until the boundary is breached.
Element of air, is also difficult to contain. It needs rhythms and constancy. The speed of our brains is accelerating with the massive amounts of information. Pluto, God of death and rebirth, is here to constrain the intellectual conundrums of intellectual overload.
One of my favorite bumper stickers is “Rebel without a Clue”. This sums up Aquarius, needing a cause, try and choose one that appeals to you. Groups are made up of individuals that bring different energies to the forefront.
Madness visits us all. We can be confused and then clarity strikes. The ping pong of this, is the beauty and silliness that inspires.
Our perception of Uranus from its discovery is of an air nature. In 1781 it was in the sign of Gemini. It rules Aquarius. But the day of its birth, the Sun was in Pisces, so it has a murkiness in its purpose that we can only hope we will merge into our psyches with pathos.