In either case if the mood is elevated, the joy of activity can be uplifting. The dilemma always is in the perception. There are sport figures, that are not in the limelight but consistent with their gift. There are sales clerks who entice us with stories so the purchase becomes a cherished remembrance.
The idea of playful is to have no worries. When we play scrabble or throw a frisbee, we find focus with abandon. The word “abandon” originates in letting go of control. It is now a judgement, a concept of not taking responsibility. The trick is to integrate impulsiveness and moderation. Sensuous singing and dancing also allow for freedom regardless of skill.
Envy comes from feeling there is more lightness of being in observing another's relaxed confidence. Money, beauty, success, are all ephemeral. To covet another's gifts rarely offers a sense of well being. Psychology studies the range of human emotion. As does religion, astrology, and storytelling. The intimate Hindu image of a man and a woman encourages contemplation of passion and compassion. Both of these ideas can be extreme in their actions. It can make a person gleeful to see the suffering of another, out of some moralistic fanaticism. It is also often a form of ecstasy to engage in truly supporting another's grief.
So, a vacation, a holiday or a cruise, all involve both concepts of work and play. It is the emotion that perhaps indicates how the perception becomes your reality. Security comes from building a structure to contain the joy of abandonment. The size and decoration of our individual castles have become the paramount desire of a burgeoning population. Does this provide the peace of mind of surrender?