I recently watched a BBC show on Egypt, in which the story of Ramses and Nefertari is told. Building the monuments to his history killed many. He was also a great diplomat who made a treaty with the Hittites. Ramses was glorified as having killed 1000 people in one battle single handed. Is that so different from the shenanigans of today’s leaders and mentally challenged? Progress is tricky. Pills that make us better and kill us. Communication devices that are increasingly confusing. Time spent learning and fixing these devices more confounding that papyrus and ink.
What is progress? The ability to move large groups of people to gawk at churches and monuments, all the while memorializing the events with the smart phone. To feed the overpopulated with genetically modified food. We believe time is linear. Therefore we must be improving on what came before. But the wealth of human emotions have remained the same.
To change and evolve is essentially a personal choice.
How can a gang, mob, or group control the hysteria inherent in merging with the emotions of many? Like the analogy of the oxygen mask, you must attached yours first to aid others. Self reflection and insight can bring a degree of peace and enlightenment but the belief that the history of the human condition has changed is dubious.
We have now discovered every nook and cranny on our planet and will assuredly move on to other ones. The hope is, (unlike theatrical drama, where there is no drama without conflict,) there is a chance our self reflections on our personal history will evolve to the point where every mood is examined before it is reacted upon. Appreciate and enjoy all the variables of your emotions. But most of all, find the relationships that support them.